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Is it just me or is the thought of not having to fix the nasty gutter filled with wet leaves that breaks because a 50-pound icicle falls and tears it off the side of your house music to your ears? You know they say when you go apartment, you never go back. Among the many apartment benefits, I must say that no maintenance must be on top. The luxury of being able to call the friendly service manager to come fix my dripping faucet, hook up my cable, shovel the snow where you park, or maybe even help set up an office chair (that I have no idea how to assemble) if he or she is up to the challenge. Simply put, not being the one to have to unclog your toilet is great, I think everyone can agree with that.

No Maintenance

Is it just me or is the thought of not having to fix the nasty gutter filled with wet leaves that breaks because a 50-pound icicle falls and tears it off the side of your house music to your ears? You know they say when you go apartment, you never go back. Among the many apartment benefits, I must say that no maintenance must be on top. The luxury of being able to call the friendly service manager to come fix my dripping faucet, hook up my cable, shovel the snow where you park, or maybe even help set up an office chair (that I have no idea how to assemble) if he or she is up to the challenge. Simply put, not being the one to have to unclog your toilet is great, I think everyone can agree with that.


Along with not having to fix your broken gutters, or watering your grass- you don’t have to be the one to pay for it either! That sure is a lot of extra change in your pocket, allowing you to not feel bad about purchasing a $6 chai latte at your favorite coffee shop.


Do you ever get nervous that you accidentally forgot to close your garage door, lock your doors, or that someone might find their way into your home when you are gone on vacation? Well here’s another benefit to apartment living; safety. Your garage will never be left open, front doors to your building will be protected from thieves, and there is even surveillance in place for the safety of you and your belongings. This means you can drink your mojito on vacation worry-free!

Extra Amenities

Most likely when searching for a home you are not going to come across one with a pool, hot tub, gym, theater, clubhouse, barbecue area, and outdoor patio…and in the middle of the city…right? It might be a sad thought for some, although here is where apartment living is just simply better; you can have access to all of these amenities, not be responsible for maintenance or paying for costly repairs, for a price that is less than most mortgages!


Last, but not at all least, community. Living is an apartment is like living in a hotel with all your friends, and potential friends. The opportunity to meet and get to know your fellow neighbors is much greater than living in a home.

Did we miss something? Let us know why you LOVE apartment living.

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